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Challenge Family and Cadomotus enter into three-year partnership: “We share the same values.”

24 Jan 2024

Reaching dedicated triathletes is what both Challenge Family and Cadomotus strive for. With a three-year partnership, the two parties aim for the same goal: bringing the triathlete experience to the next level. Jort Vlam and Josep Balaña Rovira of Challenge Family tell us: “We have so many similarities in our approaches. This collaboration was a no-brainer, a natural step.”

In the world of triathlon, it’s hard to find a stronger partner than Challenge Family: with events on every continent, they offer races for athletes of all levels, from beginners to world class champions. Being long-standing innovative pioneers, they are a perfect match with Cadomotus, according to Jort Vlam, the CEO of Challenge Family. “We share the same values and have similar mindsets. Cadomotus owner Diederik Hol comes from skating, and has always innovated within that sport, creating the clap skate, and developing a signature helmet, amongst other projects. A true pioneer. Just like the sport of triathlon, which first spread throughout Europe from The Hague and later from Almere. Since then, we have been trailblazing and doing our best to be as innovative as possible. I'm from Almere and it's “pioneering in the polder” as we say. And that's how Diederik is in it too.”

Challenge The Championship

In Slovenia, Challenge organizes its own championship

Enthusiastic and Passionate

Challenge Family and Cadomotus are no strangers to each other, explains Josep Balaña Rovira, in charge of global partnerships. “I heard about the long-term collaboration between Cadomotus and Challenge Roth from our race director Felix Walchshöfer. He was very pleased about it. We met in person during the European Long-Distance Championships in Almere. We saw the Cadomotus products first-hand and were impressed by how enthusiastic and passionate Diederik is about what he does. We then stayed in touch and later decided to enter into a partnership.”


Cadomotus, a Good Fit for Triathletes

For Vlam, athletes’ results enhancement, product offer increase, and quality, safety and comfort improvement were deciding factor to start a collaboration. “We have those things in common. Quality is crucial for the athletes' racing experience, for both professionals and amateurs. Diederik has understood that well, has entered the triathlon world with Cadomotus, and now offers several innovative products within that market. As for us, we provide him with a larger platform, because we do have a big place in the sport. By the way, this is something we only do with partners that are a good fit for our community,” he says with great emphasis. “And Cadomotus' products make athletes happy.”


A high-quality Cadomotus starter-bag

Cadomotus starter-bags offered by Challenge Family will be standout products, Vlam explained. “Those high-quality personalized backpacks will add to the athlete’s experience, which is essential for us. When you go to an event you’ve trained a whole year for, and you sacrifice everything to do a Full Distance or a Half Distance race, this event obviously means a lot to you. And when you get a backpack as a reminder of that whole experience, it's quite a shame when it breaks before you even get to your car, as it sometimes happens. If you take home that top-of-the-line Cadomotus race bag, show it to your friends, bring it to practice, etc. then the memories of that race will stay with you much longer.”

Sam Laidlow wins Challenge London

Sam Laidlow won't the Challenge Race in London

A natural match

The connection between them, the shared values, the common background in sports – Jort Vlam, Josep Balaña and Diederik are all triathletes – make the collaboration, in Vlam's words, a no-brainer. “With this global partnership, we are able to offer the result of all this at a reasonable price and we provide the opportunity of a better experience for the athletes. So yes, I think we have a lot in common in how we approach the sport: we keep improving, the athletes are our priority, and we want quality. And that's why the partnership feels like a natural match.”

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